Good Scribes Only

#40 🍖🥶 The Jungle by Upton Sinclair

Episode Notes

In this 1st episode of Season 4, we read a book whose original version has never been seen. The Jungle that we know, by Upton Sinclair, is the version that was highly censored because of its political context.  To gather information for this novel, Sinclair spent seven weeks undercover working in the meat packing plants of Chicago, ultimately exposing the horrific conditions in the U.S. meat packing industry, that led to the passage a few months later of the 1906 Pure Food and Drug Act and the Meat Inspection Act.

The main reason for the censorship, however, as Sinclair’s belief in socialism. It’s at that point that Dan and I start to goof in good old Upton Sincy. It’ll make sense why if you manage to make it to that point in the pod.

We hope you enjoy!

About the Episode 

Episode Notes

0-5 min — Introduction

5-10 min — About the author / Casting

10-25 min — Plot summary

25-30 min — Corruption in 20th-century Chicago

30-35 min — Deep fakes and post-truth

35-45 min — On socialism through history

45-49 min — The Jungle vs Grapes of Wrath

49-55 min — Closing